Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I gave into peer pressure

I have never dyed, permed, colored, highlighted, or done anything un-natural my hair. So, when the feather craze came, I thought it would just be one more fad that would pass me by. However, I am a sucker for social activities. I will do just about anything if it is in the name of a social activity. So when my sister-in-law and sisters decided they wanted feathers in their hair, I was not going to be left out.  

The feather is not actually in my hair here. This is me mentally preparing myself for this big change. It was a big deal.

The feather Haley got in her hair

Courtney's feather (I'm still preparing myself in the background)

Ashland getting her feather put in.

Goodbye virgin hair!

Now I'm all trendy. 

We are so cool! We felt so edgy with our feathers! The girl who gave them to us was joking with us about going out for a cappuccino after to celebrate. I was pushing for ice cream (no surprise there)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A blog by Braden

Yea, it tis I Braden of Rexburg formerly of Arkansas, also referred to as the bathtub guy.  I am now writing on Sister Hazard's blog, I first met her last semester and the first thing she said to me was "do I know you?" Then I said "no" and that ended our first conversation.  Earlier this week I ran (literally ran) into a fork-lift in the dark, it was a horribly painful experience and do not recommend  it to anyone. It hurt my shins...poor shins.  I also tactfully asked her for her phone number once and it didn't go too well, she is a silly one, but she lets me type on her blog, even though she keeps spying on me and trying to see what I type.  I should type on my blog ( isn't it an original address.  Ok I think I am done for now....yup...wait I have a joke to tell.  What did the red grape say to the purple grape??  Breathe Bah hahahahahahah.

Allison's Response:

Hi, it's Allison of Rexburg formerly of California (although not quite as former as Braden) As far as our first meeting goes, I have no memory of it, although I don't doubt that it happened. I have a bad habit of forgetting people. It happened tonight actually with someone who I've apparently hung out with multiple times. 

As far as I'm concerned, our first meeting was very pleasant as we sliced strawberries together for the ward activity. Great conversation. Great strawberries.

As far as the phone number is concerned, I have no memory of this either, although I don't doubt that it happened either. I'm kind of slow sometimes.

And, as far as the blog goes, I'll check it out.

Braden's Response to Allison's response
It was at Broulims, and she said there was some guitar show that she was in charge of and she wasn't sure when it started either 7 or 8, and to come to the show.  (I wasn't planning on going at 7 and finding out it started at 8) so I said, well whats your phone number and I can text you and you can see when it is) she replied with a well, just come and I will see you there...

I didn't go...  :) te he he


no memory....... still......

and you have my number now

(memory = found)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you everyone for your help with my website! You all honestly went above and beyond the call and I honestly could not have done it without you. From word of mouth, blog posts, Facebook, and Twitter - I can only dream that I will one day have the social connections you have. (I still don't even understand how to use Twitter, I don't even know how to log myself in, and I'm pretty sure the Twitter link on my website goes nowhere. Like I said, I can only dream. )

This is a screen capture of my stats. See that giant spike? That was you. This is where you feel really cool about yourselves. 

Thanks again for all your help! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Let me know when I can use my lack of social connecting knowledge to help you  :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You Can't Miss This

I'm doing a bridal shoot on Tuesday and because I haven't been in the studio in about 3 months, I decided to go in a remember what I was doing in there so I don't look stupid on Tuesday. Sierra was kind enough to model for me, and my friend Braden was stupid enough to follow me to the studio. Next thing they know I was putting them in a bathtub together, and they hardly even know each other! The results were amazing! So, today I'm sending you over to my other blog because it's just that good. At least I think so.

Here's a little preview  :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


My website more than tripled my highest score all semester! You guys are amazing!  I couls not have done it without you. However, I need to keep my score up for another 3 days. Keep spreading the word!

In other news, I went to Cars 2 at the drive in last night. you can't pass up watching Cars from your car! So fun. Then we ate ice cream on the roof of Central High School and stargazed. good night. I'll do pictures one day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am recruiting your help! As you know, I started a website this semester for I started it for a class and I am now being graded on how many people go to may site. You are mainly supposed to use google adwords to do this and we were given a budget at the beginning of the semester towards it. I started out doing awesome! In fact, I was doing so well that I couldn't afford it, so I had to drop my price. And then drop it again. And again. So now I can only spend a dollar a day, which is killing me!

I thought we would be graded on the whole semester (silly me), but apparently we just get graded on this week and obviously since I have no budget, I'm kind of failing miserably. So I have to get my views from other places, aka YOU! You should feel so honored that you are being called to this important work :)  

So, here is what you do: Go to my website! Every day. Click through some pages. Then, tell your friends! Tell your roommates! Tell your neighbor! Tell the stranger on the street! Post it on your blog! Do it! Then you can mark it off as your good deed for the day and you will feel good inside. And I will love you.

Here, I'll help get you started:

and in case you skipped it, here it is again:

and in case you ignored both of those, here it is one more time:

ok, I think you get the message. 

Thank you for your generous help. You are the best  :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Meet in the Middle

Saturday we went rock climbing! Because I take way too many pictures, I will just talk about each one and the story will come.

Porter and I have been trying to go rock climbing all semester, but our schedules are complete opposites. Finally, we got it to happen!

I am an awesome climber!
Haha! Just kidding  :)

oh yeah, I'm really stylish rock climber too  :)

Jess and Mal came with us too. 
It was so much fun to have them there!

Mallory, ready to climb!

ok, these next pictures were actually my favorite part of the day. Porter would lead climb and set the top rope up for us. I was the belayer. This is us getting ready for the second climb of the day, where all the exciting stuff happened.

Porter was climbing and then he fell (it happens sometimes) and I caught him (cause I'm also an awesome belayer)! Unfortunately, I also managed to catch my pinky in the ATC. It was all the way up to my first knuckle! It hurt!

I didn't want to alarm anyone though, so I just pretended everything was fine. I figured Porter would get back on the rock and I could get my pinky out and no one would ever know. I kept telling Porter, "Get back on the rock. Just keep climbing. Get back on the rock. Keep climbing....." 

Porter was good and got back on the rock.....and then it broke! A huge chunk of the rock that was bigger than his whole hand just broke off! He obviously fell again, which put my finger farther into the ATC. 

I resumed my encouraging words, "Get back on the rock. Just keep climbing. Get back on the rock. Keep climbing....." However, Porter was so bewildered that he just sat there with all his weight on my pinky and looked at the rock. I started to prepare myself for the worst - losing my pinky. I'd always had weak pinkies anyway. It was a good pinky while it lasted though. We had a good run together......

Finally (it actually wasn't that long, but it seemed like it) Porter tossed the rock aside in disgust and said, "just let me down." 

".... I can't...." I finally had to admit, "My finger is stuck." 


My pinky after I got it out. 

I still don't have normal feeling in it. It's kind of a cross between being numb and that tingly feeling you get when your arm falls asleep. 

The good news is that nothing is broken and I get to have many more adventures with my pinky! My pinky will be around for some time yet!

Every time Porter fell, I would go flying towards the rock, but I always caught him!

This is me belaying very attentively

At the bottom of the rock was a giant swamp that had some impressive smells to go with it.

Every time I looked up, the sun is all I could see. It was stressful, cause I never knew what Porter was doing!

Once Porter got the rope ready to go, I had to show him up by climbing barefoot with a useless pinky. It was tough though, and none of us girls made it to the top. I think I could have gotten farther, but if you fell there was a huge swing, and I was terrified to swing.

They wanted me to do a spiderman pose, but this is as daring as I was 

Porter pulling me in so I don't land in the swamp


I love this picture because Porter is completely oblivious to the fact that I am taking a picture

This is the swing

Jess had a much better spiderman

On our way home we jumped into the river to cool off.

Actually, Porter and Jess jumped in the River

I walked in a ways and Mal put her feet in. We're really adventurous. 

Where we jumped in

After an hour of homework, we decided it was time for a break. 
Flashback to the 90's

Looking up


Thursday, July 7, 2011

What's in your purse?

- Keys
- Receipts
     something I did in Idaho Falls (I have no clue what it is)
     Big Juds
     Wal Mart
- Tickets
     2 Collegiate Dance Showcase (never attended)
     Grand Pianos
- Trident White Gum
- Vanillaroma car freshener wrapper
- 2 Package of Piksters (christmas tree brushes for permanent retainers)
- Deodorant
     Men's Speed Stick
     Men's Speed Stick (gel)
     Dove ultimate go fresh
- Dove go fresh body mist (came free with Dove deodorant)
- Hand Sanitizer
- Coin purse from Paris (it actually has money in it too! That doesn't happen often)
- Renew (best lotion ever!)
- Film canister with half a stick of gum in it
- Camera
- Shopping list written on a piece of ripped scratch paper
- "Wallet" (actually a birth control case, but it works perfect!)
- Lip Gloss
- Package for Jamba Juice gift card (just the case, no card)
- Piece of paper with accounting notes, shopping list, and "directions" to Logan on it
- Thank you note
- Broken keychain
- 2 Penny
- Candy/gum wrappers
- Ward lipstick
- 3 Pen
- Spearmint Trident gum
- 3 packages of floss threaders
- Little green notebook
- Checkbook
- Toothbrush
- Razor
- Flashlight
- 2 Pencil
- Camera case
- Empty foundation bottle
- Nail clippers
- Blistex chapstick
- 6 Tampons (why do I have that many? No idea. Is this Too Much Information? Probably.)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The 2nd of July!

Everyone talks about the 4th of July, but I think that is's going to be hard to top the 2nd of July this year!

We started the day off with rafting down Alpine Canyon. The river was super high so I was a little nervous, but Porter was a great guide and we never flipped, although Patux was thrown out at Lunch Counter, Debbie fell in as we were taking out, and John jumped in of his own free will. We had a fun group of people and we all wanted to go down a second time as soon as we got finished. 

For more details, pictures, and videos to come, go to Porter's blog

We stopped for square ice cream on the way home (again, I'm obsessed)

Susie and Dan

This is where mom lived when she went to college (I don't think it was quite as ghetto back then though). It is also where I spend a lot of time because they are the boys in my ward.

All my roommates are gone, so I was invited to go to Dan's house for dinner and fireworks with his family.

This is the cutest cat ever!

It loves me  :)

All of us at Dan's

Dan's mom let me borrow a sweatshirt, so I became a Ririe Bull Dog for the night. That's Grandma Hill's high school!

Porter and Patux

John with his "Exploding Bin Laden Noggin" firework

Watching fireworks with Dan's 10 year old cousin Savannah. She thought we were the coolest! We had  fun talking about boys, doing hand claps and playing games.I told her to come up and we would have a sleep over  :) 


I have the best friends ever!