Haley awarded me with the Stylish Blogger award which means I get to:
- Thank the person who gave you the award (Thanks Haley)
- Share 7 facts about yourself
- Award 7 new bloggers with the award
1. I am lame and don't have 7 people to share this with, hence this is just for Haley cause she wants me to do it :)
2. I hate having to do things where I have to think of things about myself. Even though I know no one really cares I feel like I have to be very accurate and it stresses me out!
3. I get stressed out way too easily about stuff that should not stress me out
4. I can't think of any other facts about myself and I'm starting to get stressed out
5. This may be the worst post of any blog ever and I may be un-nominated for this award
6. I think my life is pretty cool and I love it, but I am terrified of graduating
7. I am so happy that Haley and Bennett have spent so much time with us!
Sorry to disappoint, but I really was getting stressed and over-thinking cause that is what I am best at so I just wanted to get through it quick :)
On a different note, here are some pictures of my nieces and nephews! If they look scared to death it's because they are. If you had 6 adults screaming at you trying to get your attention, wouldn't you be scared too? I think the fact they they are all looking in the same direction is quite the accomplishment, so I'm not complaining. Therefore, you shouldn't either :)
I still think they're pretty cute
The Girls
The Boys
Just so you know, I also told a joke today that Haley and Courtney both laughed at. That is even more of an accomplishment then these photos!