Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Post

This weekend Trent came up to visit! We went to Costa Vida, and last basketball game of the season (we won). Trent's brother was one of the camera guys for the game, so we got a personalized tour of the Hall of Fame building where all the cool sports stuff is. We got to look out from the box seats of the football field and then drove out onto the field where we danced and played. It was pretty cool. we also went to a birthday party for some girl that none of us knew and went hot tubbing (it was not very hot) in freezing cold weather. Good times.

That's really all that has happened this week, so we'll go back and cover the last two weeks.

For Valentines Day, Katelyn, Brittany and I decided to celebrate our singlehood by going to the Lady Antebellum concert. Thompson Square and Darius Rucker also performed so it was a great show! I don't like large crowds or loudness, so I really am not a huge concert fan, but this was a good one. 

We picked up two other friends in Salt Lake (where the concert was) and went to Rumbi before the concert started. It was packed but the food was so good!

This is from our seats at the concert. It's the only picture I have because my camera died right after I took it. 

For those of you who aren't sure who Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker and Thompson square are, here is a little bit of their songs. Feel free to skip them if you want.

Thompson Square

Darius Rucker

Lady Antebellum 

My favorite song

We got home from the concert just after midnight and I quickly packed my bag to leave for Coeur d'Alene at 7:00 that morning. I hate packing and I am known for putting it off until the last minute. Usually I begin packing as the rest of my family is getting into the car to leave. Unfortunately, I was so focused on packing quickly that I forgot my camera was dead so it is still dead two weeks later. Even more sad is that when I rolled out of bed at 6:45 in the morning and walked out the door, I forgot to grab my Nikon, so I have no pictures from my trip. I had been planning on bringing my Nikon and getting some good pictures of my nieces and nephews as well as practice some newborn shots since I decided I was going up there! Alas, it was not meant to be. Despite my lack of pictures, it was an amazing trip and I was so sad to leave! Here are some pictures that I stole from my parents and brothers blog.

Adalie Jane and Maren Mckinley

I got Maren to sleep and we took good long nap together. 

Evelyn got a new bunkbed and it was the main attraction for the kids.

Skyping with Griffin, Ashland and Zoey

Jackson and Maren

Addy and Evelyn both wanted to sit on my lap, so we compromised. Of course, Jack had to get in on the lap sitting too. It was a great game  :)

Another popular game was Doggy Doggy, one of my favorites when I was little.

The contraption that Logan made for Rachel. What a thoughtful husband.

Logan and Rachel make elaborate meals, both in taste and presentation. This was just the fruit we had for breakfast one morning.

Grandma with the grandkids

Making food!

In our hoods, ready for a walk!

Another fancy breakfast

Holding Maren! I was her favorite  :)

One of my favorite parts of this trip was doing Evelyn and Addy's hair every day. This day, they decided to were mine and Grandpa's shoes to complete their look.

Evelyn turned 4! (This was her birthday party)

At the children's museum. Mostly we just used the kids as an excuse to play with all the cool toys that they had there, haha!

Purple day with matching bows! (we struggled to get a good picture of this one)

I need to get married so I can have my own kids  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the title to this post :)

    That's so fun you got to see your nieces and nephew! I can't believe your brother has 4 kids at ages of 4 and under. That'd be so crazy!
