Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Favorite Day

My parents and my sister, Courtney, came to visit on Saturday! 

The day was filled with laughter and good memories.

We started off our day by going on a hike.

This is Dad and me being "candid" for the camera.

A little more candid....

You can't really tell, but if you look really close you can see a million fishing lines hung on that telephone wire. 

Mom practicing her new signature pose

Dad's well established signature pose.

After the hike, we went to the Bluebird Cafe for lunch.

It was so good!

Then onto Aggie Ice Cream for Dessert.

Then we quit taking pictures  :)

We ended the day with shopping, which I very much appreciated. Thank you Mom and Dad!

This was, by far, my favorite day in Logan.


  1. Great post, Al! We had so much fun too. It was such a magical day for all of us. Thanks so much for showing us around and sharing your fun life with us. It was sooo fun!
