Sunday, December 28, 2014

There and Back Again

This is the first weekend we have gotten to stay home in a long time!
Here's a quick review of our travels:

November 7-9

Burley - Turkey killing!

I already blogged a little about it here.

November 21-23

Rexburg - I took my sisters family pictures!

These pictures would not have turned out half as good without my fabulous assistant, Clayson.
He is the best  :)

One day Allison Kay Photography will be alive and thriving!
(There is still a lot of work to do on it)
One day....

We told Bennett if he was good, we would take him to see the Mario wall.
I don't think he was impressed with it as we were.

November 26-30

Rexburg - Thanksgiving!

It was so fun to be with family!
(Again, I already blogged about our craft project here)

Bennett is the master of the block towers!
Too bad Patton is the destroyer of block towers.

We went bowling!

The only down side was that Clayson and I both got sick Sunday, so we quarentined ourselves in the bedroom all day.

December 1-2

Salt Lake - Jazz game!

For Clayson's Christmas present, we went to a Jazz game. 
It was made even better because Carlie & Tyler came with us! We love getting to spend time with them.

The Jazz lost to the Nuggets, but it was a close game.
It got so loud!

After, Clayson and I walked around Temple Square and looked at the lights

This is Clayson's picture with the "sun" (Temple) moon and star.
It's symbolic....

We stayed at a hotel that night. Such a fun get away!

December 5-7

Burley again

December 12-14

Rexburg - Melissa's Endowment

December 19-21

Burley - Nathan & Melissa's wedding!

We had Sydney, Lynzey, and Annalese in our car to and from the temple because we are the fun car!

They wanted to stop at McDonalds. 
I told them that when I was growing up we only got $2 each when we went out to eat. Luckily, Clayson is nicer than I am and got them Happy Meals.
He justified that the dollar was worth more when we were growing up. 
That made me feel old.

Then the girls were blown away when we told them that we didn't have a TV in our car growing up.
 It's a miracle we both turned out ok  :)

I didn't think the "back in my day...." stories would start this soon in life.  

It was a long day of wedding-ness and by the end I may have been losing it a little....

I should have goten a picture with Nathan & Melissa, but alas, I did not. 
So here's a picture of us instead  :)

December 23-25

Burley - Christmas!

They have a recent tradition of having an Nerf war on Christmas day.

Last year was Nerf Guns, this year was Nerf Bow and Arrows.
They whistled as they flew and hurt more than the guns. I'm afraid of what's coming next year.

I was afraid we wouldn't have any snow, but it finally came Christmas day! 
The bad news was that we had to drive home that night and there were some pretty bad drifts. 
It was slow going, but we made it home safe!

This Weekend - Logan!

We are happy to get to enjoy some time at home!
But it won't last long....

Next weekend - Burley again for a baby blessing!

Stay tuned  :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


For some reason, when you get married, everyone suddenly thinks you like to make crafts.

I guess I'm conforming.

Remember this post about how I was getting all crafty and what not?
Well, I have been crafting some more! (and more then just buying a piece of metal)

First up, Thanksgiving Turkey!

The beginning of November we made a trip to Burley so Clayson could kill a turkey. 
While he and his brothers killed, I opted to stay home and create a turkey with his mom and sisters. 
Much more uplifting. And cute  :)

Next, Christmas Trees!

The girls in our neighborhood get together once a month and have a craft night.
I've started going to these, mostly in an attempt to make friends.
It's fun and I am slowly finding my inner craft.

Also, I'm too cheap right now to buy decorations that will only be up for 1 month, so it's a good alternative. 
This is literally all the Christmas decorations we have. 
Call us Scrooge. 

Last, the Christmas Penguin!

On one of our visits to Rexburg, my mom got craft ornaments for the grandkids to make. 
Addy got the Penguin, which was probably the most complex, so I helped her out a little. 

Please excuse my appearance.

She was the boss and I was the labor.
We make a good team.

I'm so proud of my crafty little self  

(lets not talk about the fact that all the above had all the materials provided, an example/picture to follow, and step-by-step instructions/instructor)

Bring on the next craft!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Come To Me My Sweetest Friend

This song gets sung a lot at our house:

(There may be one slightly pornographic part in this video. I apologize. Please be responsible and shield your own eyes)

Like at least every day.
Sometimes multiple times a day.

With various word changes and substitutions.

And it makes me happy.


That's all.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Getting Crafty

I am not a crafty person.

Crafts, to me, translates into a lot of money and time that could be spent doing something cheaper and less messy.
Pretty pessimistic, I know.

But, I am pleased to say that my tune may be changing! 

One of our wedding presents was a window frame with vinyl lettering on the glass,
but sadly, the glass was broken, so now we just had the window frame. 
I decided this was my perfect opportunity to get crafty!

I went through a lot of options of what I could do with the frame:


We ruled out anything with words pretty quick because we got a lot of wordy gifts - really cute gifts that I love and used them all,
but we really didn't need to add another.


The wreath idea meant I had to find a wreathe that I actually liked and then it had to fit in our frame.
It just seemed like more work than it was worth.


I liked the idea of hanging pictures, but Clayson said we already had too many pictures.


Clayson really liked the idea of a chalk board, 
but to me a chalk board translates into cute artsy pictures and typography, which I lack the motivation for. 
Also, it would probably end up being more words, which was the first thing we ruled out.

So, it looked like we had eliminated all possible options.
It was kind of discouraging.

But then inspiration struck.
We put metal in it!

It sounds weird, but our fridge is not magnetic (Crazy, I know!) so we had no place to put our cute magnets and announcements or whatever. 

Also, did you know that you can write on metal with dry erase marker??
We haven's gotten any yet, but we will! Then Clayson can still draw to his hearts content  :)

fun fact: there are at least 8 wedding presents in this picture

I feel so crafty!

Clayson keeps reminding me that all I did was buy a piece of metal, but baby steps! Right?

I'm so proud  :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's Autumn Time!

I don't know what it is about this year, but I am absolutely loving this Fall. 
The colors are amazing!

Here is a quick picture overload of some Autumn time events:

General Conference

Between sessions we always go to Cress Creek.

my cute parents

The only descent picture I've ever been able to get of Clayson by himself


random dog

classic mom

my sister, Courtney

us.... so it gets to be a big picture  :)


I have always been more of a sunset girl (probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not usually awake to see the sunrise), 
but lately I have really been enjoying the sunrises!
I love their softness.

This is what I look at as I eat breakfast every morning

This is what I see as I drive to work every morning

 (the above 2 pictures were both curtesy of my phone)

Photo Shoot!

Jana is a great model  :)

Pumpkin Walk

Nick & Krisann came to visit! We went to the Pumpkin Walk and dinner at Cafe Rio (Clayson was so happy)
Now we just need to get them to move to Logan! We already have their house picked out right across the street from us  :)

group selfie!

Nick & Krisann

pumpkin puppet show

love Krisann in the back

Fall is the best  :)

p.s. I'm starting to get back into this photography thing again.... if you didn't notice.