Thursday, March 28, 2013

Birthday Boys!

March has been a month full of birthdays! 

The Birthday Boys!

Last weekend was the birthday of two of my favorite guys!

Cullen, Tony, and Trevor blowing out the candles

Sunday, we had a little party for them. Tony got to join in the fun as well because his Birthday was that week too! Lucky guy.

Monday was the real day of celebration. We decided to celebrate Cullen and Trevor by getting Tim Tams at Pepperidge Farm, all you can eat Sushi, and a little climbing to top it off. The perfect day.

 Cullen and I were so excited because we had never been to Pepperidge before! Sadly, we were disappointed by what we found - a tiny store with mostly ordinary plain brown cardboard boxes and no Tim Tams. So sad.

Picture Fail! (like the rest of our day)
our garbage tower with Cullen and Kristen trying to get out of the picture

Undaunted, we proceded on to Sushi. We pulled up and there was a sign taped to the door "Sorry, We're Closed"  
That's all. No other explanation. Just closed.

Discouraged after our double fail of Pepperidge and Sushi, we decided to make the best of it and went to Rumbi instead. It was delicious!

Determined to have something go right of the birthday plans, we proceeded to the Rock Haus for some climbing. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best day of climbing we've ever had. I had a headache and it was mostly just an off day for all of us. Oh well, what can you do. 

It was still a great day  :)

pie before cooking
pie after cooking 
Trevor and I decided to make Cullen a birthday pie because it's his favorite.

it's a creation of beauty - In both looks and taste!
look at that crust! It's latticed! 

If you can't tell, I'm kind of proud of our pie  :)

Cullen liked the pie too.

Happy Birthday!
Thanks for letting me join in on the fun.


  1. Wow, Al! Who knew you were such a whiz in the kitchen? What a beautiful pie! Will you make us one next time you come home?

  2. Love the pie . . . and there's no such thing as a bad day climbing! Love, Dad.
