Sunday, November 25, 2012

Coeur d' Alene Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving I went to Coeur d' Alene with my parents and sister to visit my brother and his cute family. Love them!

One of my favorite parts was the annual gingerbread house competition. We split into two teams and put our creativity to work! I am now going to be lazy and give you an excerpt from my brother's blog:

"And of course, we had our Annual Gingerbread House Contest! This is where you come in. We have two teams. We'll call them "Team A" and "Team B." Please look at both, read the descriptions, and then VOTE by leaving a comment on this blog or on one our our Facebook pages. Really, we have a full year of bragging rights at stake here, so don't take this lightly."

Please vote! I need those bragging rights, people  :)

You can vote on my blog or facebook as well. I'll post the winner in after all the votes have been counted. 

Guys, this is so fun! 


Well, I was going to write more about how great Thanksgiving was and post pictures on here, but apparently I am "out of space" again. 

But if you want to see some disgusting pictures of me (I loose all hygiene when I travel) and my cute nieces and nephew, you can just read my brother's blog for that too. He's a better writer than I am anyway.

oh yeah, and one more thing....

(All links in this post will lead you to the same place, where you can vote.... or here on my blog. or my facebook)
(In case you didn't know, anything yellow is a link)
(And here's the link again, if you still haven't voted)

Thank you and goodnight.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Last night, a group of us went to Firehouse for dinner to help raise money for Deaf Education. 
We're all about a good cause  :)

We were so loud! 

Luckily we were the only ones left in the building, so our noise volume only disturbed the poor workers cleaning up around us.

It was so fun!

I promise we're not drunk  :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Neighbors

Soo.... this ended up being kind of a long post. oops.

A few months ago, we got new neighbors.
They are three guys - Rich, Jake, and Corey - who are all going to grad school and already have good jobs. They are all very charismatic.
I was immediately impressed.

We gave each other tours of our houses. They have two deer heads and a foosball table. In their garage they have 2 trucks, 4 four wheelers, a cabinet, 2 garbage cans, and I think they also might have 2 dirt bikes or something like that. All in their garage. Crazy! 

So now that you get an idea of who these guys are, I'll tell you what happened.

Nothing happened.

After our initial meeting and house tours, we never really did or even saw any of them again. 
Sometimes we would think, we should invite the neighbors to our game/movie night or whatever the occasion might have been.
But they were never even home!

However, on the rare occasions that we did see each other at church or ward prayer, they were always very good at saying, "Hey neighbor!" (It's a good thing they were good at this because I honestly wouldn't have had a clue who they were otherwise. That's how often we saw them.) Then we would talk - I would give him a hard time about never being home and being bad neighbors, and he would say "Just come over!" But I don't "just come over" because I think it's awkward, so nothing ever happened.
And that was how it went. The end.

After a while, we gave up on ever being actual friends with the neighbors. They were too out of our league.
Jake had gotten a girlfriend, so he was a lost cause. Corey traveled a lot for work and Rich was busy with school.
They would just be nice acquaintance friends and we would be happy with that.

Then, last Monday, we went to home evening at the Bishop's house where we were combined with another group, and who do you think was there - Corey! (the good news is I actually recognized him this time) He greeted us with his usual "Hey neighbor!" and we had our standard conversation. He told us to "just come over!" I responded with "You're never home! How about you guys come over! It would probably work better." And that was it.

Chelsey and I joked, "What if they actually came over. Haha! That would never happen!"

But, the next night around 10:30 something happened. There was a faint buzzing noise that sounded through the house. It was odd and it took me a while to identify the sound as our doorbell, which is apparently broken. 

It was Corey! 

I just stared at him. I think I was in shock that he was actually at my door! I finally offered him a brownie, which I had made earlier that day. We talked for a while and then we said goodnight and he went home. I was amazed! He had actually come over!
I went upstairs to share my shock with Chelsey who was equally as surprised.
Were we were actually making friends with the neighbors? Maybe it was just a fluke. Better not get our hopes up.

Thursday, Richard added me as a friend on Facebook! I was making real progress! It was probably the most exciting part of my day.... until around 10:30 that night when the doorbell/buzzer went off again. This time it was Corey and Rich! Holy smokes! We talked and they casually invited us over for Sunday to watch Home Improvement which they apparently watch on a regular basis. I couldn't tell if it was a real invitation, or just a "one day that might happen" kind of an invitation. We decided to wait and see if they re-invited us.

Friday, I was at work, but apparently Rich and Corey showed up and jumped Cate's car for her. 

Tonight (Sunday) Cate was playing nintendo and I was working on a photo shoot I did yesterday. Around 10:30 there came a now familiar buzzing sound. Corey had come to invite us to watch Home Improvement! I told him we were playing nintendo and that was all it took. Who can pass up the original Mario!? I tell you what, Corey has some impressive Mario skills.

So, in conclusion, I don't know what happened, but we are suddenly friends with the neighbors!
And I think they're pretty cool. 

It is exciting  :)

p.s  I tried to find a Mr Wilson "Howdy Ho Neighbor!" but I guess youtube decided not to put any of those clips up. oh well.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Big News!

I have three matters of the utmost importance that must be shared with the world!

First, last night Chelsey and I played Nintendo! 

Not just any nintendo, this was the really good nintendo - old school style!

We have an area in our house called "the loft" which consists of a bunch of random things we don't know what to do with, most of which doesn't even belong to us - chairs, desk, tv, mattress pad, dresser, food storage.... well, apparently we have a nintendo up there! 

remember this awesome game!? we also played the original mario. so fun!

Now that it has been discovered, rest assure, it will most definitely be used!

Big news number two! I put my hair in a sock bun!

yes, i got a little carried away with the pictures. i was excited.

I never thought this hair style would be possible for my thin little hair to accomplish, but it did so well!

I'm so proud  :)

And last, but not least, we made potato soup!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oh Yeah, I Forgot To Mention . . . .

So, I realized that there are a few things going on in my life that I forgot to mention on this blog.
I think most people already know anyway, but just in case....


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... I got a job!

I'm at the front desk at Steven's Chiropractic, and can I just say that this is the best job I could possibly have right now. I love it! I love the atmosphere and I love the people that I work with and get to interact with on a daily basis. I have been so incredibly blessed!

We have this cute Korean couple who come into the office and they invited us to dinner for authentic Korean food. I was a little hesitant, but Megan and Natalie (the two assistants) talked me into joining them. I am so glad I went! It was delicious and they were so sweet! I love Korean food and it has been a long time since I have had anything authentic.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... I got a calling!

Background story:
I moved to Logan the beginning of January. I went to the Bishop the first Sunday I was here, gave him my pink sheet (that all the new ward members fill out) introduced myself, and asked for a calling. Bishop's dream come true, right!?
A few months later, I still don't have a calling.
Katelyn was talking to the Bishop at a ward activity. She introduced me (again) and told him to give me a calling.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
I went to renew my temple recommend (this is around May/June). After introducing myself to the Bishop (again) he couldn't seem to figure out who I was. After much confusion, he finally realized that they still had my pink sheet sitting in a pile. After locating it, he sits down in front of me and asks how come he hasn't met me before! After renewing my recommend, I (again) ask for a calling. Bishop looks through the pink sheet, writes some possible callings down and tells me I will definitely be getting a calling very soon.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
By this time, the situation is humorous and I have given up trying. It has become a running joke among my friends that I can't get a calling. Dave, the Elders Quorum President, decides he is going to help my cause and he talks to the Bishop about getting me a calling.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
Then we got a new Bishopric!
I went to our new Bishop the first Sunday, introduced myself and asked for a calling.
And guess what!? They actually gave me a calling!

I have officially been called to the calling I have dreaded being called to since the day I was old enough to receive callings.

Gospel Doctrine Teacher!

When they gave me the call I asked them if they were sure they had really received revelation. I suggested they might want to pray about it one more time, but they seemed pretty confident in their decision. Much more confident than I am! haha!

Two Sundays ago was my first time ever teaching and I was horrified! I teach for the second time tomorrow and I am still so nervous! Hopefully this teaching thing gets easier.

Thankfully, I have an amazing support group!
Also thankfully, I have the smallest classroom that only fits about 20 people max, so it's not as intimidating as the giant classroom.

Remind me why I wanted a calling....?  :)

It's also looking like I am going to be the unofficial Sacrament meeting chorister. 
I find this funny because although it has never been my real calling, I have been doing it for about the past two years or so. Good thing I enjoy it!


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... My ward is awesome! 

We have a great Bishopric and I love their wives! We had a big turn-over and gained some awesome people! Everyone wants to get out and do things. Chelsey and I decided to have a pizza party last night, so we sent a mass text to everyone, expecting about four people to actually come. We ended up with 17 people! Seventeen

Anyway, I need to finish writing my lesson for tomorrow.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... It snowed and I'm actually excited for it!

who woulda thought


Friday, November 2, 2012

Lead Kindly Light

I have been so extremely blessed in my life and lately I have been overwhelmed with gratitude. 

I have had Lead Kindly Light playing through my head for weeks now. 
Listen to the words. Really listen to them. 

I feel like this song is speaking directly to me at this time in my life.

I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan - That He has a plan specifically for me.
I have no idea what that plan is, but He is lighting the way for me. 
It is only a small light in the distance, but I am walking towards it - 

One step here.... 

Another step there.... 

These steps can be scary, but I am not taking them alone. I have never been left alone. 
My Savior is with me. 
He has always taken care of me and things have always worked out. 
Even better than I imagined they could!

So why would I think He would leave me now?
He wouldn't.
He never will.

I'm trying this new thing called trusting in the Lord - letting Him lead.
Not just when His plan happens to coincide with mine, but trusting before I even make my plans.
I'm letting Him make the plans. 
Being someone who likes to have control, this can be tough. 
But, let me tell you, He has some good ideas!

Now all I have to do is Trust.

Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on;
The night is dark, and I am far from home;
Lead Thou me on.
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou
Shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
Lead Thou me on.
I loved the garish day, and spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will: Remember not past years.

So long Thy pow'r has blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.


p.s.  the link on Lead Kindly Light is awesome and worth listening to