So, I realized that there are a few things going on in my life that I forgot to mention on this blog.
I think most people already know anyway, but just in case....
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... I got a job!
I'm at the front desk at Steven's Chiropractic, and can I just say that this is the best job I could possibly have right now. I love it! I love the atmosphere and I love the people that I work with and get to interact with on a daily basis. I have been so incredibly blessed!
We have this cute Korean couple who come into the office and they invited us to dinner for authentic Korean food. I was a little hesitant, but Megan and Natalie (the two assistants) talked me into joining them. I am so glad I went! It was delicious and they were so sweet! I love Korean food and it has been a long time since I have had anything authentic.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... I got a calling!
Background story:
I moved to Logan the beginning of January. I went to the Bishop the first Sunday I was here, gave him my pink sheet (that all the new ward members fill out) introduced myself, and asked for a calling. Bishop's dream come true, right!?
A few months later, I still don't have a calling.
Katelyn was talking to the Bishop at a ward activity. She introduced me (again) and told him to give me a calling.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
I went to renew my temple recommend (this is around May/June). After introducing myself to the Bishop (again) he couldn't seem to figure out who I was. After much confusion, he finally realized that they still had my pink sheet sitting in a pile. After locating it, he sits down in front of me and asks how come he hasn't met me before! After renewing my recommend, I (again) ask for a calling. Bishop looks through the pink sheet, writes some possible callings down and tells me I will definitely be getting a calling very soon.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
By this time, the situation is humorous and I have given up trying. It has become a running joke among my friends that I can't get a calling. Dave, the Elders Quorum President, decides he is going to help my cause and he talks to the Bishop about getting me a calling.
A few months later I still don't have a calling.
Then we got a new Bishopric!
I went to our new Bishop the first Sunday, introduced myself and asked for a calling.
And guess what!? They actually gave me a calling!
I have officially been called to the calling I have dreaded being called to since the day I was old enough to receive callings.
Gospel Doctrine Teacher!
When they gave me the call I asked them if they were sure they had really received revelation. I suggested they might want to pray about it one more time, but they seemed pretty confident in their decision. Much more confident than I am! haha!
Two Sundays ago was my first time ever teaching and I was horrified! I teach for the second time tomorrow and I am still so nervous! Hopefully this teaching thing gets easier.
Thankfully, I have an amazing support group!
Also thankfully, I have the smallest classroom that only fits about 20 people max, so it's not as intimidating as the giant classroom.
Remind me why I wanted a calling....? :)
It's also looking like I am going to be the unofficial Sacrament meeting chorister.
I find this funny because although it has never been my real calling, I have been doing it for about the past two years or so. Good thing I enjoy it!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... My ward is awesome!
We have a great Bishopric and I love their wives! We had a big turn-over and gained some awesome people! Everyone wants to get out and do things. Chelsey and I decided to have a pizza party last night, so we sent a mass text to everyone, expecting about four people to actually come. We ended up with 17 people! Seventeen!
Anyway, I need to finish writing my lesson for tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention.... It snowed and I'm actually excited for it!
who woulda thought