Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Conference & Princesses

Confession: I don't think I got a thing out of General Conference.
(ok, maybe I got a little.... maybe)

Addy sat with me for a good portion of Conference. She was so good and quiet the whole time!

I went home for Conference, and Logan & Rachel came too. It was so much fun! But with 4 - 8 kids running around (Ty & Cambria were there too) and feeling like I was drugged on sleeping pills, it was a loosing fight from the get-go.

This picture is for Trevor. You know I've been working hard on that face  :)
Also, this is what I look like with no shower for 2 days, not doing my hair or washing my face, no makeup, still in pajamas.... basically all loss of hygiene.

Don't get me wrong, I really do love conference and I'm so sad I wasn't able to be more attentive. I am definitely looking forward to the General Conference issue of the Ensign to come out. You better believe it will be read cover to cover!

This chair was like a kid magnet!

Durring Priesthood session, my mom, Rachel, and Cambria decided to go to the Deseret Book thing (I don't really know what it was....) This left Sierra and me to watch 8 kids under the age of 5. I have to say, it was probably one of the easiest babysitting experiences I've had! We watched Snow White and then made Princesses.

Believe it or not, we actually watched all of Snow White like this.

I made up the name "Princesses" When I made these with Evelyn for the first time. She loves Princesses and I knew if I called them that she would be 12 times more excited than if I just called them Hugged Pretzels. They are the perfect treat to make with kids!

Pretzel = Throne
Hug = Princess
M&M = Crown

For some reason, I can't cook for people anymore. I ruin it every time.
They were still ok and they all got eaten, but they just weren't as good as they should have been.

For the record, I promise I really can cook!


  1. Leave it to you to make such a fun movie out of your baby-sitting job! So cute, Al. You are such a terrific aunt. No wonder the kids all love you! And so do I. Thanks for coming!

  2. What a good aunt!! If I'd known you were going to have so much fun I might have stayed home from the General Priesthood meeting. Okay, maybe not, but I would have thought about it. I love you. Dad.

  3. Super duper cute! Are you wearing glasses now, btw?

  4. the glasses are my mom's reading glasses. apparently that has confused more than one person. haha!
