Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's Autumn Time!

I don't know what it is about this year, but I am absolutely loving this Fall. 
The colors are amazing!

Here is a quick picture overload of some Autumn time events:

General Conference

Between sessions we always go to Cress Creek.

my cute parents

The only descent picture I've ever been able to get of Clayson by himself


random dog

classic mom

my sister, Courtney

us.... so it gets to be a big picture  :)


I have always been more of a sunset girl (probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not usually awake to see the sunrise), 
but lately I have really been enjoying the sunrises!
I love their softness.

This is what I look at as I eat breakfast every morning

This is what I see as I drive to work every morning

 (the above 2 pictures were both curtesy of my phone)

Photo Shoot!

Jana is a great model  :)

Pumpkin Walk

Nick & Krisann came to visit! We went to the Pumpkin Walk and dinner at Cafe Rio (Clayson was so happy)
Now we just need to get them to move to Logan! We already have their house picked out right across the street from us  :)

group selfie!

Nick & Krisann

pumpkin puppet show

love Krisann in the back

Fall is the best  :)

p.s. I'm starting to get back into this photography thing again.... if you didn't notice.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


We saw Divergent with some friends when it first came out. 
We liked it, so we decided to read the book together. It's been really fun and we finished it in 2 weeks. 
We were slightly obsessed.

This was taken on a different day,
but ironically we were actually both wearing the exact same thing

To celebrate finishing the book, I decided to do a Divergent themed date.
There are 5 Factions in the book, so we represented each throughout the date:

Dauntless - The Brave

I only worked a half day at work, but I conveniently "forgot" to tell Clayson.
When he came home (he usually beats me home from work) I ambushed him with my Auto Strike Dart Gun.

War immediately ensued.

battle wound from shooting my gun. It hurts.

Clayson dominated in Target practice, but I won the war  :)

We also gave each other [stick on] tattoos, like the Dauntless. This picture shows Four on the left and Clayson on the right.
The resemblance is striking  :)

Erudite - The Intelligent

To represent Erudite, we took a test. 
What better test to take then the Aptitude Test to see which faction we belong to?


Clayson: Dauntless

Allison: Amity

Candor - The Honest

To represent Candor, we played Two Truths and a Lie. 
It was challenging to find something that the other didn't already know!

(sorry, no picture)

Amity - The Kind

Amity is "the kind" but they are also known as "the peaceful."
To get our inner peace, we had Yoga competitions to see who could hold the pose longest.
Of course, I won because Amity is my faction  :)

Abnegation - The Selfless

To represent Abnegation, we gave each other back/head massages while we watched the movie Divergent. 
Unfortunately, our massages were kind of weak because we were too caught up in pointing out things that were different in the movie
 and saying what we liked better/worse. 

We were so caught up in the events of the night that we forgot to eat dinner. 
Luckily, I had made chocolate brownies to represent the chocolate cake that they eat in Dauntless.
Brownies for dinner is always a good idea, right? 

Clayson eats the middle and I eat the edges. We work well together.

And why not brownies for breakfast too? 
