Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thursday Night Bowling

Thursday night, bowling is cheap! So that is our favorite social activity.

The first game was all about the trash-talking. I make up in talk for what I lack in skill. It was basically a competition between Bryson and I. I won the talk, he won the game  :)

The second game was all about the form.

Brittany's form

Trevor's Form (His great form is who inspired the whole form competition)

Katelyn's form

My form

Bryson's form

The whole night was about trying to get a picture with Bryson, who apparently is very camera shy.

First Attempt (Yes, I am fully aware of how horrible I look)

It obviously wasn't working very well, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

Exhibit A (Also, the only picture of Bryson's face from the whole night)

Plus a little PhotoShopping with my "first attempt"

And you get a lovely picture of the two of us!
Too bad he's dating Brittany  :)


As a side note that doesn't relate to bowling in any way, shape, or form: A guy in our ward drives this truck to church. The picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice. I'm pretty sure he's gotten several tickets for it. Sometimes Brittany and I will drive by and look at it when we get bored. We're hoping to see him getting into it one of these days because we have no clue how he would manage it, especially considering he's only about my height.

Diagnosis: Severe case of LMS
(More commonly known as Little Man Syndrome)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Favorite Day

My parents and my sister, Courtney, came to visit on Saturday! 

The day was filled with laughter and good memories.

We started off our day by going on a hike.

This is Dad and me being "candid" for the camera.

A little more candid....

You can't really tell, but if you look really close you can see a million fishing lines hung on that telephone wire. 

Mom practicing her new signature pose

Dad's well established signature pose.

After the hike, we went to the Bluebird Cafe for lunch.

It was so good!

Then onto Aggie Ice Cream for Dessert.

Then we quit taking pictures  :)

We ended the day with shopping, which I very much appreciated. Thank you Mom and Dad!

This was, by far, my favorite day in Logan.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oh Food!

I realize that my last post was about food, but apparently I really like it. These are the only pictures on my camera from the last two weeks or so. haha!

I found this recipe for Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos from a friends blog. They are so easy to make and so good! You can even make the filling ahead and then just make the taquitos as you please. Best meal ever!

Honestly, who can resist that!? The recipe calls for pepper jack cheese, but because I'm a wimp when it comes to spicy things, I think I'll try monterey jack cheese next time.

If the taquitos aren't doin' it for ya, maybe some delicious Strawberry Delight will do you good! Britt and I made this for "Tetris & a Treat" Friday night. 


And in case you're not into food quite as much as I am, here is a song to lighten your mood  :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Today was Kim's (Hygienist) birthday! To celebrate we went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Kabuki. It was so good!

It's one of those fun restaurants where they make the food in front of you and make a show out of it. I didn't think of taking my camera out until they made an onion volcano, but by that time, it was pretty much over. oh well, use your imagination. It was cool!

I sat by Kandace, who is the Hygienist filling in for Kim while she is on maternity leave. We had no idea what anything on the menu was, so we decided we would each get a roll that was NOT raw and then share so that we could have more choice.

This is what I got! It had shrimp, lettuce, and avocado in it. I have no idea what it was called, but it was good!

The sauce is eel sauce! I was a little skeptical and it almost stopped me from getting it, but the Happy Hour price was too good to resist. All I can say is, if you ever get the chance to eat eel sauce, do it! Best decision I've ever made.

Kandace got the Philadelphia roll. She gagged one bite down and then announced that she was done. Guess who finished off her plate for her  :)  Don't worry, I generously shared with Ben (the new Hygienist's assistant) and Dr Gordon too. Ben gave me the last bite of his giant roll and it was delicious!

I don't know if it was because we told them it was Kim's birthday, or if it was normal, but they gave us free ice cream! I was so full that I told Kandace she could have it (since I ate her whole dinner) but then I had a bite, and it was so good I had to eat it all!

Food always makes for a good night.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Once Upon a Tetris

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Rexburg, Idaho there was a castle called Kensington 105, where three beautiful princesses lived, named Allison, Kandace and Krista (actually there were six beautiful princesses, but they were more productive than these three, and therefore have much more exciting tales to tell of this time in their lives.)

One day, the handsome Prince Spooner came by and introduced the three princesses to the magical world of Tetris Battle. They challenged each other long into the night and fell deeper and deeper in love with the game, until it became a slight obsession. (Thanks a lot Prince Spooner!)

Princess Allison, who was originally first place of the four, quickly lost her ranking to Princess Kandace and Krista. Discouraged by their success, Allison let the game fade from her life and slowly re-entered the not-so-magical (but much more real) world.

Finally the day came for Princess Allison to move out of Kensington Castle to a new kingdom called Logan, Utah. One day as Allison sat at Maple Valley Castle, getting updated on the activities of her kingdom via Facebook, she noticed a small button that had been tucked to the side, quite unused for some time. The button was pushed and Allison found herself back in the magical land of Tetris! She had almost forgotten the excitement and thrill of the game!

Princess Allison is a kind hearted Princess who is always thinking of others  :)  so, naturally, she shared her re-discovery with the Princess' Katelyn and Brittany (The other princesses of Maple Valley) It soon became a castle affair, and the princesses spent much time exploring the land of Tetris.  They now play Tetris Marathon along with Tetris Battle. These princesses believe that all Tetris was created equal and should be treated as such.

In true princess fashion, Allison is still wearing the exact same clothes and the exact same hair almost a year later (no, this was not planned)

Princess Allison worked hard. She made it to Level 12 on Tetris Marathon, and the three princesses rejoiced in her accomplishment. Tetris Battle was a bit more difficult. Finally, the day came that she made it to level 18 on Tetris Battle! The three princesses celebrated her success, but it was not meant to be. Suddenly, she was dropped back down to Level 1! The injustice of the act was appalling! Allison had been so good to Tetris, and without so much as an explanation, she was back at the beginning! 

Princess Allison is much better than this Google image

Not to be beaten, Princess Allison began working her way back up. She made it, undefeated, to Level 10, but alas, that was all she could do. For, at that moment she ran out of energy and was kicked out of the magical land of Tetris.

The moral of the story:
Princesses should stay in the real world and find better things to do with their time.

Unfortunately, morals are too often ignored....