This year I have gotten really in rock climbing.
As it has gotten warmer we have been going outside, but I am not the biggest fan of the limestone that is in Logan.
I have been craving granite!
I went to Rexburg this weekend (sorry if I didn't get to see you!) and I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to climb on granite.
I rounded up Porter and Whitney (who had stayed most of the weekend with me and we had so much fun!) and we were off!
- Whitney and I almost got lost twice on our way there
- We almost died once (although Whitney would say it was more)
- Porters car sounded like it was going to fall apart and we were all a little nervous.
- We forgot an ATC so we "made due" with a cool knot (Porter has way too much trust in me)
- I'm not sure who got the better work out: Whitney jumping up the rock, or Porter pulling her up.
- Whitney got blisters / huge boils from the heat of the rock on every finger
- I got heat exhaustion about four moves into my first climb and almost passed out / couldn't see anything on several occasions.
- None of us brought water
- For some reason, we thought it would be a good idea for the girl who was about to pass out (aka me) to belay Porter as he took the climb down.
Yeah, NOT a good idea! (I had Whitney holding the rope just in case, and it was a close call.)
- On the way home I was blinded by the sun, so Whitney stuck her head out the window and literally guided me as I drove.
- I had a headache for the next 24 hours
And we all survived to tell the tale!
Between Porter taking care of my heat exhaustion (ready at any moment to catch me if I fainted and dipping his coat in the river to put on my head)
and bandaging Whitney's blistered hands, I'm pretty sure he never wants to take us climbing again. Ha!
Thanks Porter!
It will be better next time :)
(We have pictures and even a movie, but there have been some technical difficulties in getting them. So sad.
Hopefully I'll get them up soon, so check back)
Bishop & Sister Forbush
Whitney and I visited Bishop and Sister Forbush. They are seriously the best! I loved just hanging out with them and catching up on life.
It was just like the good old times. It seems like only yesterday we were there going hot tubbing, singing karaoke, cutting our fingers with sharp knives that poor college students aren't accustomed to, playing in their amazing back yard, and just hanging out.
Fun times with mom and dad just hanging out, talking, playing speed scrabble and taking walks.
It's good to go home.
Moving Day!
Labor Day was spent moving into my new apartment! I cannot say thank you enough to my parents and sister for all their help.
I am so grateful for them! It made the day so much fun to have them with me in Logan. They are the best!
I will miss Chelsey, but I am moving in with some amazing friends and am excited for the change!
The bad part is that I hurt my back somehow in the move. I feel like an 80 year old woman.
Good thing I work at a chiropractic office! I might actually have to get adjusted :)