Monday, January 23, 2012

Eight Great Happenings of Logan

Life is good! Here are a few of the happenings as of late, in no particular order:

1.  Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband!

Katelyn, Brittany and I went to this little concert put on by the Institute. We were excited to have an activity to fill our night with!

2.  The first Sunday in Logan I was making an effort to be social so I wanted to go to Ward Prayer. I had never been to a Ward Prayer before and all I knew was that I could meet people there. Katelyn and Brittany had no desire to go, but after some persuading Katelyn was a good friend and went to humor me. I wish she hadn't because the Bishop (whom I have never met before!) ended up setting me up on a date with this random kid and made us exchange phone numbers in front of half the ward! I was ticked! I was so mad. Needless to say, I will not be going back to Ward Prayer again. This is not a good beginning for my bishop and me. For all the talk that the 12th ward bishopric had on getting me out on a date, they have nothing on this new bishop! I miss the 12th ward bishopric. They're the best  :)

3.  Puzzles!

We are in the process of making friends and finding things to do in Logan. Winter is hard because it is cold and miserable. So to pass the time until summer comes, Brittany and I have taken up doing puzzles! Brittany even went out and got us a little card table that is specifically designated to the puzzle building cause.

4.  Work! I am liking it a lot! We're all (except the Dr and hygienist) between the ages of 20 and 22 so we're all at the same place in our lives and it makes it really fun. We go out to lunch together or bring lunch from home and eat together at the office. One of the girls is setting me up with a "crazy millionaire dairy farmer" so we'll see how that goes. She informed me that he is tall, which is a nice change for me, but I have no expectations whatsoever. Apparently blind dates are the favorite pass-time in Logan. I don't think I'm a huge fan.

5.  Manicures

I spend a lot of time "updating my nails." I have to "update" them frequently because I have cheap nail polish that flakes off on a regular basis. I don't mind though, because it's a good time passer.

6.  Aunt Susan and Uncle Fred had my roommates and me over for dinner! It was so fun to get to spend time with them and get to know them better, and the food was delicious! I wish I would have taken a picture. It is so nice to have them near by. 

7.  My mom requested to have a picture of my haircut. 

As you can see, it is a drastic change (note sarcasm)

8.  You know the phrase that is said in just about every prayer "please bless that we can go about our day in safety...." or something to that effect? Well, I am a believer in prayer!

My car died today.

I guess I don't freak out much about things that I probably should, but I think that's a good thing. I was coming home from getting my hair cut and I noticed that my blinker was weird. Then I saw (or rather, didn't see) that my my time/radio station lights, etc weren't showing up. I stopped at a stop sign, wondering what was going on and hoping it wasn't anything too serious. When I started moving again  my car stalled and I had just enough time to pull over on the curb before my car completely died. my thoughts: "huh, I guess this is what it's like when your car dies." It was very anti-climactic. 

My next thoughts were how blessed I had been to have died when and where I did. I had been driving on busy streets all day, but I had died literally right across the street from my apartment. (If you click on the picture, you can see where I labeled my apartment) It was also on a Monday, the day that I don't work, so that was a blessing too. I walked home and told Katelyn my car had died so she generously gave me her van so that I could get my car to the mechanic and taken care of. On a normal day, Katelyn would be at work, but she had woken up sick and decided not to go (not good for her, but I am thankful for her poor health today) One of the girls I work with lives in the building across from me, so I should be able to get a ride to and from work with her without any problem at all. I processed all these things in a split second and didn't even have time to worry or get stressed about the situation.

My third thought was that if all else fails, I now have an excuse to get the Prius that I had found for Katelyn, but which she had rejected  :)

Anyway, I called my dad and everything is getting taken care of. I got my car towed for only $50 which I think is incredible, because I have had to pay $100 on three separate occasions when my car was towed in Rexburg.

They finished fixing it the same day and Brittany drove me down to pick it up. That was our "exciting" event of the night because I couldn't remember where it was so we had to drive around for about 15min before we found it.

So, that's what I've been up to! I think I'll go paint my nails now  :)


  1. What a great post! Thanks for putting a picture of your haircut for me. Whether you got your hair cut or not, it was just good to see your cute self again. What a cushy life you have! Concerts, puzzles, fun work, manicures, and even your car dying in the perfect place and getting fixed in a day. You have been so blessed and I'm so happy for you!

  2. Allison! I love that you put up your canvas print on the wall. It makes me feel all nostalgic inside.

    Oh, and did you/are you actually going on that date from the ward prayer? I hear those are where a lot of people meet their E.C.'s now-a-days. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky ;)

    p.s. I like your hair cut :)

  3. Izzy, I think of you and all our good times together every time I look at that picture! And, yes, I went on the date. It was good, but no EC for me. Sorry to disappoint.

  4. Wow this was a great informational post. I feel so up dated and up beat. I know how you feel about your bishopric... I love mine but I 12th Ward!
