Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Semester!

Two days into the Semester and I have already -

1. Dropped a class, which means I now only have 6 credits instead of 9 credits.

2. Found out I've had a job lined up all summer, they just forgot to contact me about it! The first thing I'm doing when I get in there is making everyone answer their emails. I've already informed them that their communication is horrible. I will be a joy to have around  :)

3. Made another blog! (It's on my photography blog list under alliekayphoto if you want to follow it for this semester, but no obligation. I already have a whole class to look at it) This blogging thing is getting out of control, but this time I used wordpress instead and it is complicated! I'll figure it out eventually. Hopefully before the semester ends......

4. Gone to Devotional! I don't get to do this often because I'm always working. I love Devotional!

5. Procrastinated way too much. I still haven't even moved into my room all the way yet!

All things considered, I'd say it's been a pretty productive semester thus far!

(This list is dedicated to Katelyn Ericson)


  1. Haha! (1) I love lists! (2) I love that you dedicated this list to me! (3) I'm SO happy that you finally got that job thing figured out. I'm assuming it's the art department/photo lab assistant thing. (4) If that's right, you BETTER yell at them for not answering their e-mails. I feel like that is well deserved for all the times they've taken 12 years to answer you back. lol (5) I'm happy that you got to go to devotional. and finally (6) I miss you! Good luck with your last semester. You, are going to rock it.

  2. I love hearing about these things every day! It's fun to have you home for a while.
