Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I miss this...

All those top secret coordinator meetings we had? Yes, they were very serious meetings.

Our meetings were Wednesday and we'd change the Friday Song to the Talent Board Wednesday song. I suggested (as a complete joke) that we sing it at our closing social. Mallory latched onto the idea and did her best to get us to follow through on it, but with no success. Instead I will post our brainstorming session on my blog that a total of 5 people will see.

and I miss this....

This was the best Best Of show ever!

but, as much as I miss it, I'm glad I'm not doing it anymore.

I got to be stage manager for Acoustic Cafe (thanks Jess!) and I'll do I-Cover coming up.

That is just the right amount of Talent for me.


  1. My favorite part of this (after Jordan, of course), is when you turn your camera around to look at the crowd, and a random guy looks up into the camera like "Why are you video recording me?!" That poor soul doesn't understand you document EVERYTHING! haha :)

  2. haha! I wondered who would be the one to comment on that :)
