Sunday, November 11, 2012

Big News!

I have three matters of the utmost importance that must be shared with the world!

First, last night Chelsey and I played Nintendo! 

Not just any nintendo, this was the really good nintendo - old school style!

We have an area in our house called "the loft" which consists of a bunch of random things we don't know what to do with, most of which doesn't even belong to us - chairs, desk, tv, mattress pad, dresser, food storage.... well, apparently we have a nintendo up there! 

remember this awesome game!? we also played the original mario. so fun!

Now that it has been discovered, rest assure, it will most definitely be used!

Big news number two! I put my hair in a sock bun!

yes, i got a little carried away with the pictures. i was excited.

I never thought this hair style would be possible for my thin little hair to accomplish, but it did so well!

I'm so proud  :)

And last, but not least, we made potato soup!



  1. I love the bun, the food, and the games! It makes me happy to see your big news items. I'm so glad you're enjoying this part of your journey. I love you. Dad.

  2. Love it! You are so darn cute! I miss you!!

  3. Super Mario 2 is awesome.
    Sock Bun is absolutely you, and you look fantastic with that style.
    Potato Soup is gross.

    That is all.

  4. Dad - Life is good! Thanks for always being there for me :)
    Chloe - you are so sweet! We'll have to get together next time I'm in Rexburg
    Izzy - thank you for appreciating the sock bun! also, you would like this potato soup.
