Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Winner, Winner!

Friday was Dave's birthday, so we had a poker night.

Guess what!? I dominate in poker!

We started with Craps and I am pleased to say that I continue to hold the record for undefeated first place in the tournament! I still don't fully understand what I'm doing, but Dave didn't have to tell me I was doing illegal things as often, so I think I'm progressing at least. (It's all luck)

Satisfied with my win, I was ready to go home and get some sleep along with everyone else who had come that night. I had my coat on, keys out, when somehow I found myself back at the table for a game of Hearts. Everyone else had left and it was just me and the boys. I thought I had played Hearts before, but apparently I was wrong. Add that to the fact that I was super tired and the boys all thought I was the poor girl to be pitied. Yeah right! I showed them all up and took first place! The best part is that, unlike Craps, I actually knew what I was doing and played strategy. I love card games!

I'm ready for Vegas, baby!

(not really)

Chicken Dinner!

Good news! Last week my lesson went really well! 
(yes, I know it is slightly ironic that I go from poker to the gospel. such is life!)

After we were all joking about how I was ready for the big class now! My class currently consists of about 15 people max and I am perfectly happy to keep it that way. Dave told me, "Your style works really well for a small class like this, but I don't think it would work very well in the big class." Thanks Dave  :) 

Thursday night I got a call from Ted, my Sunday School guy who is seriously the best! Apparently with Spring Break this weekend, there were no teachers to teach.... except me! I would be in the big room and it would be all combined into one class. Talk about intimidating! I kept hearing Daves words ringing in my ears. 

The topic was the applying the Atonement in our life, and it was so good for me to study at this time! The lesson went really well and there was a lot of really good discussion. I had several compliments after and one guy even asked for the talk I had referenced.  I made cookies so people would remember them instead of the lesson just incase it didn't go over too well (which, thankfully it did!) They were a big hit.... even with having twice as much oil as was called for. oops!

Now we all know I can teach the big class, so I never have to do it again! Right?  :)

And now it's on to the Chicken Dinner part of the day at Pot Luck! I'm so excited! I better get my cans of fruit ready.


  1. Um, should I be proud that you are so great at casino games? Well, I am and I wish I could take some credit for it, but you sure don't get that from me! Glad your lesson went so well. Maybe I did pass something good on to you after all! Love you, Al!

  2. You get it from me. I knew all those M&M's would pay off some day. And by the way . . . I have a feeling you are meant for the "Big Room". I love you. Dad
