Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Having a Baby! It's a Boy!

Don't worry, I am NOT having a baby!

But the kid sitting next to me in the library sure is!

And he is making sure everyone in the library knows it too!

I can't decide if I'm annoyed by his constant shouts of "I'm having a baby! It's a boy!" and his continual talk of names and ultrasounds etc.

or if I think it's really cute that he is soo excited that he needs to share his pride with the world.

probably a mix......

oh, there he goes again.

"I'm having a baby! It's a boy!"



  1. Is that my nephew in the picture?

  2. haha! yes :) it's from your wedding. I just wanted to put a picture to make it more interesting and he is the only boy i haven't posted yet

  3. haha That's what I thought! He is a cutie though, so I don't blame you :)
