Sunday, December 11, 2011

Art Humor

I follow quite a few photography blogs. One of these is Bent Objects. He does some pretty cool stuff. I think his site is worth taking a look at.


Museum of Coffee History Art (M.O.C.H.A.)

My final project for Graphic Design is to design three posters for the Museum of Modern Art (M.O.M.A.) so this was particularly entertaining for me.

I'm turning into one of those art nerds  :)

p.s.  it's actually December 12th now.


  1. MOMA is without the periods since it's an acronym and you pronounce it how it's spelt (and that's also how they write it on their brochures). :D I'm just giving you a hard time!

    Even though the photography section is very scandalous at the MOMA right now, I look forward to seeing your work there someday :)

  2. Kandace, I even thought that as I was writing it! (notice it is correct on my posters) but I was copying it straight from his work and that's how he did it, so I wanted to be consistent. I'm glad I was right in thinking he was wrong because it honestly confused me! haha!

    When I get rich and famous and have my scandalous work in the MOMA I will be sure to give you credit for culturing me :)

  3. Allison and Kandace,

    MOMA is what you say when you hit your finger with a hammer.

    Allison's Dad
