Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rexburg x 3 = 3 x the Pictures!

I have spent the past three weekends in Rexburg. It was so much fun! Be prepared for a lot of pictures!

Week 1:  Dedicated to the best bishopric ever, and the 12th ward reunion!

These men are so great!

Their ward was having their last closing social, so Katelyn and I organized all the past 12th ward members to meet outside the building and come in at the very end for our final farewell. I wasn't able to get work off, so I was late and didn't get to see everyone who came, but I was so glad to get to say good-bye one last time.

This is one of my favorite pictures with them because it is so characteristic of them. I have no clue what we were doing, but it was definitely fun!

Their wives have been just as involved as they have!

Brother Kerbs:  "Maybe Bishop and I should hold hands..."
Bishop instinctively goes to hold his hand, and we all lose it.
Another classic moment  :)

I have so many good memories with these guys! 

Hey family, does anyone recognize the guy in the sweater?
Hint: He's from Merced....

They taught Katelyn and me how to drive a tractor and then let us pull the entire ward to our ward activity.

They made a special effort to get the ingredients to teach me how to make a toilet bomb for the first time.

And another Toilet bomb occasion, which people slowly accumulated to.

They were always willing to help out with school projects....

Or just hang out at our apartment and tell us stories about when they were growing up, dragging Main, and throwing eggs at police cars.

And they are responsible for some incredible friendships

These guys was pretty darn cool  :)

After the reunion, a few of us went to Wingers for dinner. This was such a fun Rexburg trip!


Week 2:  Dedicated to General Conference!

This is President Thomas S Monson opening General Conference. 

I can't wait for the Conference Ensign to come out so I can read them again! As always, we also had an incredible conference brunch. That is definitely one of my favorite traditions.

It was so good to spend time with my family.

We took a walk through campus

This is the building where I spent a lot of my time.

Courtney made a new friend

Mykel discovered the magic of Once Upon a Time  :)

We all accidentally matched!

Courtney decided to document "Classic Rexburg"

We made some new friends at the Skate Park. 
To see how cool they are, go to my photography blog.


Week 3:  Dedicated to the baby blessing of my newest niece, Maren Mckinley!

Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my nice camera, and my point and shoot was lost. However, let it be known that it was also an amazing weekend and I was not ready to go home.

Life is back to normal. 

My computer officially died, so I finally got it fixed. 
Now I'm back to battling out spotty internet.

Life is good.


  1. I'm still so sad I missed the closing social!!
    p.s. your hair was so short that first semester in 207! I like it better a little longer :)

  2. The guy in the sweater is David Chambers-he was in 12th ward when I was there and then we were in a married ward together :-)

  3. So good to have you visit!

  4. This was splendid. I love our bishopric, thanks for the pictures since I couldn't be there!
