Friday, June 21, 2013


Warning: Boys (and some girls) may not want to read this post, but it really isn't that bad. One day you're going to have to get used to this kind of talk, but if that day is not today, or if you just don't care to know, than I will not be offended if you choose to skip this post. Thank you. 

Remember this post?
Well, here are the promised details:

About four-ish years ago I started have "contractions" as we now so lovingly refer to them as.

Let me be clear: these are not normal cramps.

They come after my period (during I'm usually fine), and it's not every time that it happens. I never know when it's going to happen.

There have been a few times that it got to the point where I had to go home from work.
They called my dad to come pick me up because they didn't even trust me to drive the 5 blocks home.

I missed President Eyrings devotional and instead spent it sprawled on the bathroom floor (you know there is something wrong when I lay on the floor of a public bathroom) That ended up being a very eventful day and is actually a great story (the same day we had this prank pulled on us) but we'll save it for another time  :)  

I went to the doctor when it first started and they just told me it was cramps. They gave me some medicine (which I'm pretty sure is more of a placebo than anything) and sent me on my way. I felt stupid for making such a big deal about it, so I just dealt with it.
Surprisingly, things started to calm down slightly.

This year things started getting bad again. Even worse than before.

I had to have my friends bring me home early from shopping because I was having such bad  "contractions" that it was making me physically sick.

I missed the Super Bowl because of the pain.
I actually started to wonder if my apendix had burst and was seriously considering calling someone to take me to the hospital.

My contractions started waking me up in the night and they would last up to 2 days instead of a few hours like before.

Last month, after another restless night of contractions, I decided I was going to the doctor while it was happening so they couldn't just dismiss me like they did the last time. I went to work and told them I would just be gone for an hour and then I would be back.

I guess that plan didn't really happen....

I went to the doctor and the pain just kept getting worse and worse. Lets just say I pretty much cried through the whole visit. The good news is that everyone took me seriously  :)  They did an ultrasound and found a fibroid. I was told that fibroids aren't uncommon in older women, but for my age and health I was probably in the 1 percentile. Awesome!

Everyone was very good to me and by the end of the visit I was wrapped in a thick heavy blanket, eating crackers, and sipping on a juice box.
I was prescribed Loritab and given a note to take the day off work.

I had told Brie I would be back at work in an hour (which I had already missed by a long shot) and I have this unexplained fear of medicine.
So instead of following doctors orders, I went home and slept for a few hours and then went back to work for the afternoon.
I was achy and sore through the next day, but I was still functioning, so it was fine  :)

Friday, I had an MRI, but it wasn't very conclusive. I was told we would have to do a scope and they were pre-authorize my insurance for surgery. We planned to combine my pre-op appointment with the surgical consultation to speed the process up. My mom came to Logan so she could be with me (thanks mom!) Insurance was figured out. I scheduled the surgery for July 1 and had the week off work for recovery. Everything was lined up!

Then I went to the surgical consultation / pre-op and after talking everything over.... they put me on birth control.
I may still end up needing surgery, but we figured there was no need to jump straight to surgery if it could be fixed with something much simpler.

So please be understanding if I go a tiny bit crazy for a while. It's not my fault  :)

So there you have it! A little anti-climactic and a little TMI, but people have been asking and wanting to know.
Thank you everyone for your concern and support. It has been much appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should name your first born son "Gregory Fibroid." It has a nice ring to it. I'm glad mom got to come be with you, and I'm glad surgery is not necessary. I love you. Dad.
