Wednesday, June 8, 2011

That didn't hurt!

I have worked as an orthodontics assistant for the past 4 years and I love it! I love the people I work with. I love that I get to do a lot of diverse things that are hands on and there is always something to do. I love that I get to work with the public and explain things to them and just be nice.

Most of the time I really enjoy our patients, but sometimes there are those really obnoxious people. They drive me nuts! They drive everyone in the office nuts!  Sometimes I just don't have the patience for these people. Yesterday was one of those days.

I sat this girl back and went to untie her and she winced her face up in pain and even flinched! I know this girl and I knew she was dramatic, but I just was not in the mood, so I said

"Are you ok? Did that hurt? Cause I haven't even touched you yet. So, if that hurt, there is probably something seriously wrong and we better get it checked out!"

I said this like I really thought there might be something wrong and we should be rushing her to the nearest doctor. As I went in the second time I said

"Ok, this shouldn't hurt at all, so if it does we have a problem that we need to fix."

Guess what, she was cured! I'm telling you, it was a miracle.  Of course, when Dr. Summers came she had more pained faces, but when I had her again they were at least limited.

I always say I'm the "mean" assistant. Tenille probably would have given her a cotton roll to bite down on. I mock her in a concerned voice. But honestly, some people...........


  1. least she didn't barf on you. ;)


    I'm sorry you had an annoying patient.

  2. Ahhh, this kindles my heart, I can smell the latex gloves just thinking about those annoying patients. Maybe that is why they are called patients, because you have to have patience!
