Sunday, June 12, 2011

They Just Don't Make Shows Like They Used To

Saturday night Kandace, Patux, Tyler Shotwell and I made Chicken Alfredo and watched Boy Meets World. 

Patux showed off his cooking skills and produced some fabulous Chicken Alfredo. Who knew all this time he had been hiding his talent under a bushel.  

Tyler worked his usual magic and found the first four seasons of Boy Meets World in 15min. If you want something to get done, leave it to Tyler! 

Kandace had a very specific agenda of which episodes we watched in order to ensure the best quality for our time. She was great at guiding us through the seasons - one show from each, beginning with the pilot episode. 

And what did I do, you ask? I ate Chicken Alfredo to my hearts content. Then, I laid on the couch and laughed at the pure genius that is Boy Meets World. I tell you, that show is even better than I remembered it being! And then, of course, I took the above picture so that the experience could be documented and remembered for generations to come. 

Life doesn't get much better than this  :) 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blogs, Al. I never know what will be coming next. A story about your great life, your experiences at work, frustrations about life, or a spiritual moment? Whatever it is, it's always fun to read!
