Saturday, June 2, 2012


When I think of Logan one of the first things that comes to mind is "cold."

I don't think I have been warm (other than a few moments) since I moved here.

The thing is, Logan actually has beautiful weather! You just can't go into any of the buildings. They are freezing!

Today, I went to work and, as usual, I froze. Every morning I sit in the sun and try to soak up all its warmth before it's gone by 9:30. We just got a hot chocolate maker and I wanted some so bad today, but I had already drank it all so we were out. I thought about making coffee, just so I could hold the cup.  For lunch I had chicken noodle soup and it felt so good to have some warmth! I put my hands around the scentsy we have and tried to warm my nose by it, but I was unsuccessful in my attempts. I thought (like I think every day) that I should really bring a coat to work next time.

At the end of the day I walked out to go to my car and it was like a whole new world! It was almost 90 degrees! Who knew it was full blown summer outside? I certainly didn't! I sat in my black car that had been absorbing heat all day and saving it just for me. I bask in that heat all the way home. It is glorious.

Then I came home and sat on the couch to read my book, and the air conditioning starts blowing directly on me. I try various places throughout the apartment to get away from it, but it won't leave me alone. I finally give in and get my biggest blanket to wrap up in, but my face is still an ice cube from the air conditioned wind storm. I end up reading my book curled up in a ball under my make-shift blanket tent.

One day I got so desparate to be warm that I actually went out and just sat in my car.  It is my sanctuary.

All I want is to be warm! Is that so much to ask?

p.s.  Do you like how Playlist suddenly decides not to share with blogger literally right after I finish making it so aesthetically pleasing? Yeah, I thought that was really cool too. (no pun intended)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need to come to Oklahoma!
