Friday, February 18, 2011

Broadway Review

I decided to do Talent this semester purely so that I could get myself out, meet people, and be involved, and try to stop being anti-social. Unfortunately, my grand plan back fired on me. I can't go to any of the meetings and all the people I am working with I already know so I'm not even meeting new people. oh well.

Even though I don't know any of the people on Talent, I at least get to reap the benefits. My roommate, Kandace, and our friend, Kevin, made it into Broadway Review! Because this show falls under Talent, I was able to get into the show for free! They did amazing, and it was fun to finally get to socialize with people!

As we were walking back to our car (which was probably only about half a block away from our apartment because parking was so bad) we saw these giant garbage cans! So, of course we did what any logical person would do and we climbed inside!

It's not every day you get to be in a giant garbage can with three other people!


On a side note: We got all but two audition times for Nashville Nights filled in two days! Heck yeah baby!


p.s. Happy Birthday to Courtney and Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

  1. Allison, I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG. Those are some big garbage cans! Love Dad.
