Monday, February 7, 2011

Basketball, Groundhogs, and Other Things

This is the "basketball" portion:

Our friends Porter and Dan coach a basketball team on campus. This is my apartment supporting their team.

Our favorite coach Daniel Scott Johnson

Our favorite basketball player Christopher Douglas Veazey

Our favorite assistant coach Porter

We got to keep stats at one of the games. This is Kandace and Cherise hard at work on homework during a break in the game. We were good stats keepers :)

Kandace and me keeping stats

The guy next to me who is cut out was keeping for the other team. He was nice and kept track of my sheet most of the time too. I couldn't have done it without him!

This is the "groundhog" portion:

Jessica and I decided to celebrate Groundhogs Day by making groundhog cupcakes....

We even made our own frosting!

They're so cute! I even gave them little personalities!

Maybe a little creepy....

This is the "other things" portion:

I have found my perfect man. I thought I should let you know.

Went to the cabin with mom and dad last weekend and fed the deer!

These are from ice fishing, but I thought they were fun  :)


  1. Ok, here is my list:

    (1) I'm proud of you for keeping stats -- that is impressive! Good job! I love that you guys are such great support to number 9 -- that looks like so much fun!

    (2) I think Porter looks like a weirdo. (Feel free to tell him that, with love/hate from Katelyn)

    (3) Those are probably the cutest little cupcakes I've ever seen...loooooooove them! :)

    (4) I hate to break this to you -- BUT, your husband/perfect man is actually married. He used to be the student over communications for the University -- so I worked with him when I was the publicity coordinator for Social. He used to have to send me e-mails all the time for things I messed up on...good guy though! I approve of your choice! ;)

    (5) I think it's cool/gross that you touched a deer and a duck. I think animals love you...




  2. I miss your lists:

    1) when I read this, Porter was reading over my shoulder. He has no kind response.

    2) Why do I always like the married guys? I need to quit that bad habit

    3) I am SOOO EXCITED!!!!
